BlueSolar MPPT 75/10 Retail


SKU: SCC010010050R
Avaibility : In stock

A solar charger gathers energy from your solar panels, and stores it in your batteries. Using the latest, fastest technology, BlueSolar maximises this energy-harvest, driving it intelligently to achieve full charge in the shortest possible time. BlueSolar maintains battery health, extending its life.

A solar charger gathers energy from your solar panels, and stores it in your batteries. Using the latest, fastest technology, BlueSolar maximises this energy-harvest, driving it intelligently to achieve full charge in the shortest possible time. BlueSolar maintains battery health, extending its life.


BlueSolar MPPT 75/10, 75/15, 100/15, 100/20-48V

BlueSolar and SmartSolar Charge Controller MPPT – Overview

How to add dimming functionality to a solar lighting system


BlueSolar & SmartSolar MPPT 75/10 & 75/15 (3D) (Enclosure dimension)

BlueSolar & SmartSolar MPPT 75/10 & 75/15 (stp) (Enclosure dimension)

BlueSolar Charge Controller MPPT 100/15 (Old user manual)

BlueSolar Charge Controller MPPT 100/15 (stp) (Enclosure dimension)

BlueSolar Charge Controller MPPT 75/10,75/15, 100/15, 100/20 & 100/20-48V (Manual)

BlueSolar MPPT 100/15 (Enclosure dimension)

BlueSolar MPPT 100/15 (dwg) (Enclosure dimension)

BlueSolar MPPT 75/15 (Enclosure dimension)

BlueSolar MPPT 75/15 (Enclosure dimension)

BlueSolar MPPT 75/15 (3D) (Enclosure dimension)

BlueSolar MPPT 75/15 (stp) (Enclosure dimension)

Certificate Automotive ECE R10-4 – MPPT 75/10 & MPPT 75/15 (Certificate)

Certificate Safety EN/IEC 62109-1 – BlueSolar & SmartSolar MPPT 100/15, 100/20, 100/30 & 100/20_48V (Certificate)

Certificate Safety EN/IEC 62109-1 – BlueSolar & SmartSolar MPPT 75/10 & 75/15 (Certificate)

Certificate Safety IEC 62109-1 – AS/NZS – BlueSolar & SmartSolar MPPT 100/15, 100/20, 100/30, MPPT 100/20_48V & addenda (Certificate)

Certificate Safety IEC 62109-1 – AS/NZS – BlueSolar & SmartSolar MPPT 75/10 & 75/15 & addenda (Certificate)

Certificate of Compliance, UL 1741 and CSA C22.2, all BlueSolar & SmartSolar MPPTs up to 150/100 (Certificate)

Data communication with Victron Energy products (Whitepaper)

Declaration of Conformity – BlueSolar and CAN-bus MPPT Charge Controllers (Certificate)

ESS (Energy Storage System) Manual (Manual)

How to get a readout from an MPPT with a VE.Direct Bluetooth Smart dongle (Movie)

ISO9001 certificate (Certificate)

Inverting remote on-off cable (Manual)

MPPT Solar Charger Error Codes (Manual)

Modbus-TCP register list (Whitepaper)

Oceanvolt teams up with Victron Energy (Press release)

Smart charge controller for solar panels (Press release)

VE.Direct HEX Protocol MPPT (Whitepaper)

VE.Direct Protocol (Whitepaper)

VE.Direct non inverting remote on-off cable (Manual)

Victron Energy expands solar charge controller range (Press release)

Victron Energy helps customers to be less grid dependent (Press release)

Victron Van – Automotive – Full (ds) (System schematic)

Victron Van – Automotive – Full (sld) (System schematic)

Victron Van – Automotive – Multi (ds) (System schematic)

Victron Van – Automotive – Solar (ds) (System schematic)

Victron Van – Automotive – Solar (sld) (System schematic)

VictronConnect – MPPT Solar Charge Controllers (Manual)

VictronConnect: MPPT live data (Movie)

VictronConnect: how to change MPPT settings (Movie)

VictronConnect: readout MPPT with Bluetooth Smart Dongle (Movie)

Which solar charge controller: PWM or MPPT? (Whitepaper)

Which solar charge controller: PWM or MPPT? (Manual)