Adding an item to your shopping basket
The Shopping Basket is where you store the items you want to buy. You can always delete items from the Shopping Basket or save them for later if you change your mind. When you find the items you’re interested in, click the “Add to Basket” button You can add as many items to your shopping basket as you wish. When you’ve finished shopping, click the “Basket” button in the top right of the page. This will take you to a page detailing the full contents of your shopping basket. Here you will have the option to delete items, if required. Once you are happy with your selection, click the ‘Proceed to Checkout’ button to begin processing your order via bank transfer or credit card.
Creating an account
If you wish to create an account before proceeding with order it will only take a few minutes and you will be able to securely store your delivery details for future orders. Existing customer will be able to Login using their email and password. When you click the ‘Register’ button you will be taken to a form, which you will need to complete in full.
Billing Information
The form will ask you for your name and billing address. Please note that this must be the address where your credit card is registered.
Log in detail
Your email address will become your ‘User’ name, so please double check you have entered your email details correctly. Choose a password for your account. energostore.com will not choose a password for you. You’ll be able to use your e-mail address and password to make changes to your order and account information any time you like, so make sure you remember which e-mail address and password you used. Once the account is set up, energostore.com will email you a reminder of your log in details.
Delivery Address
Here you can enter an alternative delivery address, or if you are an existing customer you will have the option of selecting a previously saved address.
Delivery Options
Here you can select a number of delivery options to suit both your needs and budget.
Izjava o sigurnosti online plaćanja
Pri plaćanju na našoj web trgovini koristite CorvusPay – napredni sustav za siguran prihvat platnih kartica putem interneta.
CorvusPay sustav osigurava potpunu tajnost Vaših kartičnih i osobnih podataka već od trenutka kada ih upišete u CorvusPay platni formular. Platni podaci prosljeđuju se šifrirano od Vašeg web preglednika do banke koja je izdala Vašu karticu. Naša trgovina nikada ne dolazi u kontakt s cjelovitim podacima o Vašoj platnoj kartici. Također, podaci su nedostupni čak i djelatnicima CorvusPay sustava. Izolirana jezgra samostalno prenosi i upravlja osjetljivim podacima, čuvajući ih pri tom potpuno sigurnima.
Formular za upis platnih podataka osiguran je SSL transportnom šifrom najveće pouzdanosti. Svi skladišteni podaci dodatno su zaštićeni šifriranjem, korištenjem kriptografskog uređaja certificiranog prema FIPS 140-2 Level 3 standardu. CorvusPay zadovoljava sve zahtjeve vezane uz sigurnost on-line plaćanja propisane od strane vodećih kartičnih brandova, odnosno posluje sukladno normi – PCI DSS Level 1 – najviši sigurnosni standard industrije platnih kartica. Pri plaćanju karticama uvrštenim u 3-D Secure program Vaša banka uz valjanost same kartice dodatno potvrđuje i Vaš identitet pomoću tokena ili lozinke.
All information collected by Corvus Pay is considered a secret and treated accordingly. The information is used exclusively for the purposes for which they were intended. Your sensitive data is fully secure and it’s privacy is guaranteed by the state of the art safeguard mechanisms. We collect only the data necessary for performing the work in accordance with the demanding prescribed procedures for online payment.
Sigurnosne kontrole i operativne procedure primijenjene na našu infrastrukturu osiguravaju trenutnu pouzdanost CorvusPay sustava. Uz to održavanjem stroge kontrole pristupa, redovitim praćenjem sigurnosti i dubinskim provjerama za sprječavanje ranjivosti mreže te planskim provođenjem odredbi o informacijskoj sigurnosti trajno održavaju i unaprjeđuju stupanj sigurnosti sustava zaštitom Vaših kartičnih podataka.
Hvala što koristite CorvusPay!
How safe is shopping on energostore.com?
Energostore.com uses high-level SSL encryption technology, the most advanced security software currently available for online transactions. You can therefore rest assured that we take the privacy and security of your payment and personal details very seriously.
What do I do if my product breaks down during the guarantee period?
Look for any visible signs of the breakdown and consult the troubleshooting guide in the manufacturer`s handbook or on their website. If the problem cannot be solved, please contact the product manufacturer. You will be asked for details of the model number and date of purchase. Your despatch note provides this information and acts as your guarantee, so please make sure that you keep it throughout your guarantee period.
When will my products be delivered?
After you have placed your order online, we will send you an order confirmation email. We will email you a despatch note once your item has been despatched. Most items will be delivered to you within 7-14 working days.